In small steps. So you may sparkle and show yourself.
Senaro, for leadership, teams and personal growth.
Understanding what motivates people, follow your moral compass, looking differently and leading differently
Imagine you, being in a team that brings out the best in everyone. We help you to achieve this goal.
How to be style flexible and stay true to yourself? And helping customers buy … how do you do that?
Imagine you, someone who stays true to yourself, even when the going gets tough. Uninhibited, unlimited and carefree.

Let us introduce you to us ...
We are an experienced group of professionals who challenge people to push their boundaries and inspire them towards behavioral change. We coach and train both teams and individuals in a broad range of topics, including leadership and personal growth. We challenge people to take an extra step, confronting yet always respectful. We create a safe environment, allowing people to sparkle and grow as they dare to show more of themselves. Everything we do is aimed at maximising potential. We let people play with different scenarios that show unexpected talents. Because believe us, you are often more than you think you are.
You are often more than
you think you are
We inspire and challenge to experiment. In different scenarios, so people grow in steps that fit. We believe everyone can grow, whether in leadership, teams, sales or personal growth.

Team assessment

5-day training journey | 23-27 June 2025 | Ripabottoni, Italy

"I recently completed the 4-day Excellence in Influence training facilitated by Robert via his company, Senaro. My expectations were high as I had heard only good things about it from several colleagues. More than a training, this was a journey. As a group, we learned so much more about ourselves and about each other. Robert is an excellent facilitator, he created a safe space for our very diverse group both online (Zoom) as well as in person. With his skillful coaching, positive energy and light humor, he managed to keep everyone engaged and make us open up. Thank you, Robert, for this experience and I’m so looking forward to joining the Master in Influence follow-up training once I’ve practiced enough all that I learned now!”
Nada Coici
"Robert Schulte is a multi-talented and inspiring coach. In 2014, Robert created a great platform for all the people at Remmers. Robert coached everyone to develop the team, but also the individual team members in their personal goals. The result, phenomenal; it had a great impact on the growth we are experiencing. We will continue in 2015 and hope that Robert will be our coach and friend for a long time. I would like to recommend everyone to work with Robert. Robert has the unique talent to adapt to the people in front of him very fast and to sense what is needed to help people develop themselves in a very pleasant way."